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What To Do With Toilet Roll Inners This Halloween!

It's that time of year again- Halloween. But like everything in 2020, it's looking a little bit different to what we're all familiar with. 

With no trick or treating and no parties, there's not much to do- let alone make T-Shirts for!

We've come up with an idea to keep you occupied at home and make use of the loo roll stockpiling that took place earlier this year...

Why toilet roll inners you ask? They're one of the most popular crafting supplies going, probably because everyone has them in the house, even if they're hiding under layers of 2 Ply (or 3 if you're into the finer things...)

Our idea? We want to see as many toilet paper roll Halloween creations as we can.  Whether you conjure up a wicked witch or a crazy looking cat, get creative and send us your makes on either our Instagram or Facebook.

This year has shown us that creativity really has kept the world turning, whether it's a bit of crafting or watching all your favourite boxsets.

We want to try get as many people (of all ages!) being creative over the weekend, so don't be shy!

There will be a prize for the best entry- so make sure you keep the Instagram page notifications on!

Good luck and have fun!

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