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Our Sustainability Committee is an initiative we are very proud of at Banana Moon. It is a team of people from all departments ensuring we continue to maintain high standards for our sustainable objectives. They are tasked with making environmental changes at pace, without the need for constant sign-off and approval - The Banana Moon way!

Our champions for change are:

Katherine - Senior designer and trained 'Green Ambassador'

Lemmy - Production operative and ex apprentice

Paul - Print Team Leader

Eleanor - Production Apprentice

Tina - Office Manager

How did we choose our committee members?

We put out a 'call to action' video message to the whole business asking for volunteers. We didn't want to influence who might get involved so there is no restriction to who can be in the committee. Ideally, we wanted people from as many areas of the business as possible.

Why did we set a committee up?

We wanted a team of people to regularly examine best practise in sustainability from all industries.

We have set ambitious sustainability targets and, although we have made good progress, we know there is still more work to do. Our committee comprises of employees that genuinely care about making a difference to the planet and this industry. We want them to point out what we could do better and help us achieve that. Every little change along the supply chain helps us achieve these goals.

A committee was something we had seen work successfully in other sustainably focussed businesses. In keeping with our values, we really wanted to encourage collaboration and listening to ideas from all employees.

Some of the current commitments we are making:

How can a sustainability committee drive business goals?

A group of people meeting to discuss how to go greener might initially sound like a tick box exercise. But the truth is there are real and tangible benefits to forming a sustainability committee in your company. As well as supporting your CSR initiatives, it can also help you identify areas of inefficiency in the supply chain that can give you a unique advantage over your competitors.

From improving your brand image and attracting the right talent to saving money and driving supply chain efficiencies, sustainable initiatives can impact the bottom line. Understanding these less obvious benefits is essential for gaining the buy-in of all stakeholders and senior decision makers who may not feel “going green” is reason enough

How to set up a sustainability committee

Setting up a committee is simple enough. Start by collecting feedback from employees about what they really care about most when it comes to going green at work and what they need from you as an employer to do so. Crowdsourcing ideas will give you direction to launch your mission statement and initiatives in line with your business values.

Ask for volunteers, and where possible, try to ensure all areas of the business are represented so that committee members can act as the champions for change. In your first meeting, define priorities by looking at what your employees care about most, what is most important to the business, and ultimately what is going to have the greatest environmental impact. 

Are you looking to create a sustainable committee in your business? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Let us know what you do and why it’s important to your business. 

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