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Banana Moon is ISO 9001 certified

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognised Quality Management System. It is a certification which is gained by an approved auditor reviewing a business and how closely it works to the standard. By working to the standard, it allows a business to continually improve and deliver a better product and service.

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 looks for a business to be structured and transparent so that the whole organisation knows exactly how it processes orders from start to finish. It also analyses and makes improvements on any errors or issues that impact your service. By driving a culture that continually develops all employees, it creates a much more sustainable business, which can deliver top quality results every day.

Why is this certification important to us?

As a business we undertook ISO 9001 certification to make us a continually improving, better version of ourselves. To continue to be at the forefront of the personalised clothing industry, achieving standards like this mean we have a structure to ensure we always achieve a high-quality product despite our rapid growth.

What does it mean for you?

We are obsessed with offering a top-quality service as demonstrated by our 5-star rating on Trustpilot. As a customer, you need to be able to trust the supplier you use for your personalised clothing can provide a quality service and product and deliver when they say they will.

Some organisations prefer to deal with ISO 9001 certified companies because it gives them peace of mind, and some organisations demand it for all their suppliers, such is the regard the standard is held in all over the world.

Let's face it, providing a bespoke service like personalised clothing is not always straightforward and you need to know that it is highly unlikely an error will occur. You also need to know that if it does occur, then it will be rectified quickly and professionally and will not happen again. That is what the ISO 9001 gives you. You are trusting a company like us with your company's identity or your groups' cherished mementos and we take that responsibility very seriously.

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