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How To Organise Society Stash

Organising society merch, kit, stash (whatever you call it) is super easy when you only have yourself to worry about. But what happens when you try to do it for the whole team? One word… nightmare! All the issues you face on your own are multiplied by 10! So it’s crucial to have a plan before you even start. Follow our step by step advice to organise your societies stash without the drama. 

Decide on a Leader

Right first things first… choose your leader. Maybe that’s you! Choose yourself, why not. Or maybe some brave sole has volunteered to take on the stress. Whoever it is, make sure they are organised! You know the ones who colour code their revision notes and turn up to lectures 15 minutes early. That’s the perfect candidate. Now you’ve decided, stick to it! The leader makes the final call, that’s the only way you can get through this drama free.

Choose Your Merch

Clothing choice is the next step and it’s an important one. Think about what the team needs and wants. We can’t really help you here because it depends on the society. There are so many things you could go with. If you’re a sports society whose always playing outside… even in the freezing British winter, maybe go for hoodies and beanies. Or if you’re more of an inside kind of group, opt for tees and sweatshirts. You get the idea… We’ve made society stash for most Uni’s in the UK, so we have a good idea about what works. Check out our most popular products.

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Get Designing!

Time for the fun bit! You’ve chosen your products but right now they are looking pretty dull. Jazz them up by adding your own designs. You may have some wacky ideas already, in which case go for it! But if not then it’s time to consult the team. Find your creative mates, maybe 2 max. The last thing you want at this stage is 6000 contradicting opinions … too many cooks and all that. Work together as a small FOCUSSED group, to get the job done! 

Put effort in but don’t over think it. Decide whether you want print or embroidery and use our online personalisation system to design the perfect kit! You can upload your logos and add text, individual names… anything really. Plus you will see a proof of how it’s going to look in real life. BUT make sure you create an account, so your designs save!!

Get some Feedback

10 hours later …. Only joking, our online design system is pretty easy so it should be a doddle, if you all agree on a design (that’s the hard bit). Once you have your final mock-up, it’s time to get some feedback. You could just skip this bit all together and get it ordered, but it’s always good to keep your team happy. Why not bring it up at your next team meeting? Show everyone the online proof and take their opinions on board. I’m sure everyone will be in total agreement that it’s the best thing they’ve ever seen…. But if not, you can always log back in and make some amends.

Take the orders

Right, who wants what? That is the next questions and I won’t lie; this can get complicated. But we have a genius way to make your life easy, want to hear it…. Of course you do! Don’t ask everyone individually or get bombarded with random bits of info in the group chat. NO! Make them do it themselves. Create a spreadsheet and stick it up on the wall. The team can then fill in exactly what they want, and you can sit back and relax. Make sure you give a deadline as to when it needs to done! Don’t be a pushover… no excuses, if they haven’t filled it in then tough! 

Collect the Pennies

Time for everyone to get their purse out and pay up! You will have a detailed breakdown of the price now so get your math brain on and figure out how much everyone owes you. Before you do this though, make sure there are no last minute changes! This is super important as if someone pulls out, the price might change. I know it’s annoying, but prices depend on the quantity. Last thing you want is to collect all the money and then have to ask for more! Again put your foot down with an unmoveable deadline. We are in the 21st century so why not set up a bank account so everyone can transfer instantly. Saves you trapesing to the bank with £500 in 50ps.

And Breathe …

Finally we have reached the end! Pay for your order and then you can chill out. The stress is over! Get a cup of tea and relax, knowing your order is now in safe hands. Our print and embroidery pros will get to work bringing your vision to life! Here's some other links you might find useful...

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