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How to rotate an image in Photoshop

Found yourself working with an image that needs rotating? Make sure it's in the right position with Photoshop.

Rotating an image in Photoshop is simple, but if you're new to the software you may need a little help at first. Watch our walk-through video or follow our step-by-step instructions below. 

Rotate an image in Photoshop

To rotate an image in Photoshop, you should:

1. Open the image you'd like to rotate. Find the file on your desktop, right click and select Open with > Adobe Photoshop. Alternatively, launch Photoshop and just click File > Open…

2. View layers by clicking Window > Layers.

3. Right click on the image and press Layer from Background.

4. Hit OK when prompted.

5. Click Edit on the navigation bar, then choose Transform from the drop-down menu.

6. You'll be presented with 3 rotation options: 180°, 90° Clockwise, 90° Counter clockwise. To correct an image that's upside down, choose 180°. To rotate right select 90° Clockwise, or 90° Counter clockwise to rotate left.

7. To customise the angle, select Image > Image Rotation and click Arbitrary. Type in the angle you require, pick the direction of rotation (clockwise or counter clockwise) and press OK.

8. Save the file as a .PNG.

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