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How to resize an image in Photoshop

Resizing an image in Photoshop is easy, and it'll only take you a matter of seconds. Whether you need to make an image smaller to reduce its overall file size or you're resizing something to be used in your new logo, the process is always the same. 

Our straightforward guide will show you exactly what to do, just follow the step-by-step instructions below or watch our handy video tutorial.

Resizing an image in Photoshop - step by step

To resize an image in Photoshop, you'll need to:

1. Open the image you'd like to resize in Photoshop.

2. Select Image on the navigation bar and choose Image Size from the dropdown menu. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut CMD or CTRL + Alt + I.

3. Double check that the link icon is highlighted. This will maintain your image proportions and prevent things from looking a little bit skew-whiff!

4. Enter your preferred width or height. Whichever you choose, Photoshop will automatically resize the other dimensions to preserve proportions.
Make sure Resample is ticked.

5. Press OK

That's it, five simple steps to resizing any image. To avoid images from becoming pixelated, we always recommend making them smaller, rather than larger.

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