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How to flip an image in Photoshop

If you need to flip an entire image, you can do so easily in Photoshop. Also referred to as reversing an image, it's a useful trick to learn - you never know when you might need it!

Our video will take you through the process on Photoshop, but if you prefer, you can read our step-by-step tutorial below.

Flip an image in Photoshop - step by step

Flip an image in seconds with our easy-to-follow guide.

1. Open your preferred image by heading to File > Open…

2. Select the layer you'd like to flip from the Layers panel (if you can't see this, head to Window > Layers or press F7.

3. Right click on the image layer. Then, click Layer from Background.

4. Click OK, then head to the navigation bar.

5. Press Edit > Transform.

6. Choose between Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical.

7. Save the file by selecting File > Save As…  

8. Remember to save your flipped image as a .jpg! 

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